AUS-10 - has a carbon content of 1.1% and is from a series of Japanese steels (AUS-6 - 0.65%C, AUS-8 - 0.75%C). It is comparable to 440A, 440B and AUS-10 with 440C steel. Cold Steel uses more AUS-8, which is the most popular of these steels and has similar heat treatment to ATS-34, but is softer. AUS-10 has the same carbon content as 440C but less chromium, making it more tough and less corrosion resistant than 440C. The addition of vanadium has increased the wear resistance of all of them. AUS steels from AICHI STEEL CORPORATION are used for the production of high quality knives, scissors and medical devices. We often find components made from Japanese AUS steels in the food industry.
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