295 items total
nůž Boning 152 mm Dellinger Longevity Damascus 1

Boning knife Boning from the series Dellinger Longevity Damascus Edition with a Damascus blade and a core made of VG-10 steel and a handle made of natural Figured Sycamore...

Code: XZ-B27RW6B-FS
nůž Utility 130 mm Dellinger Longevity Damascus 1

Petty universal knife from the series Dellinger Longevity Damascus Edition with a Damascus blade and a core made of VG-10 steel and a handle made of natural Figured Sycamore...

Code: XZ-B27RW5-FS
nůž Santoku 180 mm Dellinger Longevity Damascus 1

Universal chef's knife Santoku from the series Dellinger Longevity Damascus Edition with a Damascus blade and a core made of VG-10 steel and a handle made of natural Figured...

Code: XZ-B27RW7-FS
nůž Chef 215 mm Dellinger Longevity Damascus 1

Universal chef's knife Chef / Gyuto / Kiritsuke from the series Dellinger Longevity Damascus Edition with a Damascus blade and a core made of VG-10 steel and a handle made...

Code: XZ-B27RW8-FS
nůž Paring 75 mm Dellinger Longevity Damascus 1

Paring knife from the series Dellinger Longevity Damascus Edition with a Damascus blade and a core made of VG-10 steel and a handle made of natural Figured Sycamore wood...

Code: XZ-B27RW3-FS
15 nuz sefkuchare gyuto 210 mm dellinger essence velky sef
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Universal chef's knife Chef/Gyuto from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. The knife is ideal for...

Code: K-H310
14 nuz sefkuchare gyuto 180 mm dellinger essence sefik
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Universal chef's knife Chef/Gyuto from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. The knife is ideal for...

Code: K-H309
13 damsky kuchynsky nuz santoku 150 mm dellinger essence damicka
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Universal chef's knife Santoku from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. The knife is ideal for...

Code: K-H308
12 nuz flexi filetovaci 205 mm dellinger essence vohejbak
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Flexi filleting knife Vohejbák from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. With this flexi knife, you...

Code: K-H307
11 nuz platkovaci slice 240 mm dellinger essence dlouhan
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Slice slicing knife Dlouhán from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. This knife is ideal for slicing...

Code: K-H306
10 nuz na pecivo bread 250 mm dellinger essence chlebak
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Bread and pastry knife Bread knife from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. The knife is designed for...

Code: K-H305
09 pracovni nuz na maso 240 mm dellinger essence dranzirak
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Meat work knife Drainer from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. Knife designed for precise cutting...

Code: K-H304
08 damsky kuchynsky nuz 155 mm dellinger essence panicka
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Universal chef's knife Chef from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. The knife is ideal for slicing,...

Code: K-H303
07 cinsky nuz tao cleaver 180 mm dellinger essence
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Chinese universal knife Cleaver "TAO" from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. Ideal for preparing...

Code: K-H302
06 vykostovaci nuz boning 120 mm dellinger essence kostej
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Boning knife from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. Precise and easy boning and spicing of meat....

Code: K-H301
05 univerzalni nuz petty 150 mm dellinger essence pomocnik
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Petty universal knife from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. A versatile utility knife for...

Code: K-H300
04 univerzalni nuz petty 130 mm dellinger essence okrajovak
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Petty universal knife from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. A versatile utility knife that...

Code: K-H299
03 pomocny nuz petty 100 mm dellinger essence sikula
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Petty utility knife from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. The knife is ideal for precision tasks...

Code: K-H298
02 okrajovaci nuz petty 80 mm dellinger essence paracek
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Petty edging knife from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. Easy to peel and cut just like our...

Code: K-H297
01 loupaci nuz paring 90 mm dellinger essence loupacek
Skladem (>5 pcs)

Paring knife from the series Dellinger Essence with a blade made of German steel 1.4116 and synthetic wood handles Pakkawood. The perfect helper for everyday peeling of...

Code: K-H296
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