Special offer

Welcome to our Special Offers section, where you will find the best products at unbeatable prices! We offer a wide range of quality knives, kitchen equipment and accessories, now available at significant discounts.

Discover high-quality knives made from premium materials that combine German precision with Japanese tradition. Whether you're looking for chef's knives, boning knives or specialty knife sharpeners, our specials allow you to outfit your kitchen at a great price. Don't miss this unique opportunity to improve your culinary skills with our premium products.

Shop now and enjoy professional equipment at discounted prices. The special offer is limited time, so don't hesitate!


Dranžírovací a krájecí akáciové prkénko Dellinger 420x280x25 mm
€35,94 –15 %
Was: €35,94  (–15 %)
Nerezové ruční struhadlo s ochranným krytem
€9,95 –20 %
Was: €9,95  (–20 %)
240/800 combined sharpening stone, RISAM RW003
€23,95 –10 %
240/800 combined sharpening stone, RISAM RW003
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: RI-RW003
Was: €23,95  (–10 %)
kucharsky nuz vykostovaci dellinger german samurai
Nůž Santoku 170 mm Kanetsugu Miyabi Isshin
€53,93 –15 %
Was: €53,93  (–15 %)
Chinese Knife "TAO" 165 mm Dellinger CUBE Ebony Wood
€35,94 –33 %
Was: €35,94  (–33 %)
Nůž Chef/Gyuto 180 mm Kanetsugu Miyabi Isshin
€57,93 –15 %
Was: €57,93  (–15 %)
Kulaté krájecí a dranžírovací akáciové prkénko Dellinger 380x30 mm
Round Carving/Cutting Acacia Board 380x30 mm
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: CB-A0284
1 items total